National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Research Program

How do we recruit one million Americans to participate in transformative medical research?

Wondros is the All of Us Research Program’s communications design partner, brought on to develop a strategy that will allow more people to meaningfully engage with the program, thus increasing enrollment and retention.

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The National Institutes of Health created the All of Us Research Program to build a movement around individualized healthcare, accelerating research and medical breakthroughs to build a healthier nation. People who join will share information about their health, habits, and what it’s like where they live. By looking for patterns, researchers will learn more about what affects people’s health and speed up medical research.


Wondros brought the full breadth of our approach to launch the program in May 2018 and has continued to be the program’s experience, marketing and communications design partner.

We grounded our work with ecology modeling designed to understand the authentic needs, goals, and desires of our key audiences. We then mobilized integrated marketing, creative storytelling, and user experience and analytics strategies to bring to life the value of this effort and engage key communities and stakeholders.

With the goal of recruiting more than a million Americans, we developed and implemented a cohesive, coordinated, and compelling marketing and communications program that is creative, nimble, and measurable.

• Cohesive in terms of strong brand attributes and a systematic means to asset development and distribution

• Coordinated to enable the All of Us consortium of 100+ health provider organizations and partners to have a unified voice and the ability to learn from each other’s efforts

• Compelling content that adheres to the principles of human-centered storytelling

• Creative in how we design products and user experiences, deploy innovative and fresh ways to community engagement, and tell stories that provoke action

• Nimble enough to adapt and adopt to shifting realities and appropriately scale efforts efficiently

• Measurable in ways that matter most through data, experiential insights and analytics that help shape strategy and inform decisions


By the time the program celebrated its second year anniversary, it had enrolled more than 348,000 participants, with nearly 80% of this population traditionally underrepresented in medical research. Behind these remarkable statistics is a national consortium of world-class health research organizations unified in their commitment to realizing the promise of precision medicine, aligned in their approach, and actively part of a learning ecosystem.

It has been our privilege to support and enable this consortium through design research and integrated marketing strategies that helped drive consumers to participate and remain actively involved in the All of Us Research Program.